History in brief
ALPHA-MEDICAL Ltd. was founded as Alfa-Med Ltd. in 1992 and is owned by the holding company Livia. The company was established as agent and distributor of the Wellcome foundation Ltd. until Wellcome was integrated with Glaxo.
The companies name was changed to ALPHA-MEDICAL Ltd. in 2000. It developed dynamically and employs specialists required for the company developement. ALPHA-MEDICAL is very active and successful in the registration of drugs, market access, distribution and trade.
Company Profile
- Marketing Authorisation Holder for more than 40 drugs (2024)
- Agent and Distributor; Licence (WDL) issued by HALMED (Agency for Drugs and Medical Devices), is listed in the EudraGMDP
- Holder of the GDP certificate and ISO-norms (ISO 9001, 14001)
- Turnover > 6,0 mil. € (2023) with yearly growth trend of more than 10 %
- 200 m2 of offices and 200 m2 of drugs stocking facilities
- Customers: Wholesalers, Croatian hospitals and public pharmacies
- Member of Drugs Wholesale Association in Croatian Chamber of Commerce
- Founder of neurology polyclinic Opus-Medici d.o.o. (2023)
- Member of AmCham – American Chamber of Commerce in Croatia
Business Activities
Dynamic sales representative teams for hospitals, polyclinics and doctors (general practitioners and specialists)
Registration of pharmaceuticals including market acess
- in our own name (in-licensing)
- In name of our partners (distribution)